Educatonal establishments are ideal environments to really
get the most out of Digital Signage The most common
soluton for schools, colleges, universites and other training
facilites are 4K Slim Bezel Interactive Touch Displays used
as interactve whiteboards; 75% of teachers agreed that
using interactve whiteboards increases students’ interest
in class4. Android Advertising Displays can also be used as
digital notce boards to communicate up to date informaton
to students, staf and visitors.
get the most out of Digital Signage The most common
soluton for schools, colleges, universites and other training
facilites are 4K Slim Bezel Interactive Touch Displays used
as interactve whiteboards; 75% of teachers agreed that
using interactve whiteboards increases students’ interest
in class4. Android Advertising Displays can also be used as
digital notce boards to communicate up to date informaton
to students, staf and visitors.
JP interactive flat panel for classroom
Leveraging professional, AI-enabled cameras and lightweight software, JP's Classroom Hub Solution overcomes a variety of challenges by offering remote learning and multi-classroom learning, extending real classrooms to digital, virtual classrooms, bridging all kinds of gaps between teaching and learning.
JP interactive flat panel for classroom
Learning institutions are continually moving toward informatization in education. In addition, students growing up in a technological world are eager for more immersive learning experiences and better educational resources.